Bemcentinib › Severe Respiratory Infections
Each year, tens of thousands of people are hospitalized with severe respiratory infections from viral pathogens including COVID-19, influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) influenza, and adenovirus. Today these infections result in significant morbidity and mortality and are poorly treated once the infections become established in the lung. In addition, the potential for future pandemics resulting from new viral pathogens remains a concern potentially adding to the number of patients at risk.

Bemcentinib Data in Severe Respiratory Infections
Extensive preclinical and clinical data support the potential for bemcentinib as a treatment for of severe respiratory infections resulting from a range of viral pathogens. Substantial clinical evidence from two completed studies of bemcentinib in combination with standard of care therapies (BGBC019 and BGBIL020) in 177 hospitalized COVID-19 patients demonstrated improvements in mortality, days of hospitalization and delay of progression. Preclinical data indicate that the mechanism of action of bemcentinib is relevant for other viral pathogens including influenza, RSV and adenovirus. The Company is investigating the potential for bemcentinib to be entered into one or more government sponsored platform studies in hospitalized patients with severe respiratory viral infections at risk for advancing to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.